NLTK: Text.collocations() returns ValueError

Book cover from

I was trying the collocations examples from Chapter 1, section 3.3 Collocations and Bigrams, of the book NLP with Python and I got the following ValueError

The solution came from this NLTK’s issue on their GitHub :
  1. Open .../nltk/  with your favorite editor
    NOTE: in my case the file was in ~/miniconda3/envs/nlp_py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nltk/
  2. Change lines 440 and 441 from .../nltk/   with the following line:
    print(tokenwrap(self.collocation_list(num, window_size), separator="; "))

Now the collocations examples are working:
NOTE: you can play with the argument num which refers to the maximum number of collocations to print.


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